English Grammar - English Grammar - for the 5th grade school, G8
Ein Buch ab der 5. Klasse für Schüler, Eltern und Lehrer. G8(Geeignet für Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen)Personal pronouns subject forms (Personalpronomen (Fürwörter) (Subjektformen))Numbers (Zahlen)Colours (Farben)My body (mein Körper)School subjects (Schulfächer)Days of the week (Wochentage)The day: morning, afternoon, evening, night, weekend (der Tag: Morgen, Nachmittag, Abend, Nacht, Wochenende)The day with the prepositions: “in” “on” “at”Tageszeiten mit “in” “on” “at”Months (Monate)Dates (Datum)Time (Uhrzeit)Opposites (Gegensätze)Plural of nouns (Mehrzahl der Nomen (diese bezeichnen Personen, Dinge, Begriffe))“Be” “(to) be” as a verb („sein“ als Verb (Tuwort))Questions with forms of “(to) be” (Fragen mit Formen des Verbs „sein“)“Have got” as a verb („haben, besitzen“ als Verb (Tuwort))Questions with “have got/has got” (Fragen mit dem Verb „haben, besitzen“)Short answers with “have got/has got” (Kurzantworten mit „haben, besitzen“)“Have to” as a verb („müssen“) als Verb (Tuwort))Questions with “have to” (Fragen mit dem Verb (Tuwort) „müssen“)Short answers with “have to” (Kurzantworten mit dem Verb „müssen“)“Can” „können“Questions with “can” Fragen mit dem Verb „können““Can” „dürfen““May” „dürfen“Imperatives (Befehle, Aufforderungen)Possessive determiners (Possessivbegleiter, besitzanzeigende Begleiter)Possessive form (s-Genitiv / 2. Fall)Personal pronouns: object forms (Personalpronomen: Objektformen)Some and any („einige“ „etwas“ „ein paar“ oder „kein“)Much („viel“) and many „viele“Word order in subordinate clauses (Wortstellung in Nebensätzen)Countries in Europe (Länder in Europa)Plural words (Mehrzahlwörter) Singular words (Einzahlwörter)Verbs with prepositions(Verben (Tuwörter) mit Präpositionen (Verhältniswörter)Besonderheiten im Deutschen bzw. EnglischenTENSES (GRAMMATIKALISCHE ZEITEN)SIMPLE PRESENT (EINFACHE GEGENWART)Negative statements (verneinte Aussagesätze) in simple presentYes / no questions (Entscheidungsfragen) in simple presentQuestions with question words (Fragen mit Fragewörtern)Short answers (Kurzantworten)Simple present of the verb “(to) be” (einfache Gegenwart des Verbs „sein”)Questions with forms of “(to) be” (Fragen mit Formen von „sein“)“(to) have got” as a verb („haben, besitzen” als Verb (Tuwort))Questions with ”have got/has got“ (Fragen mit dem Verb „haben, besitzen”)Short answers with ”have got/has got“ (Kurzantworten mit „haben, besitzen”)Simple present of the verb “(to) have to” (einfache Gegenwart des Verbs „müssen“)Questions with “(to) have to” (Fragen mit dem Verb (Tuwort) „müssen“)Short answers with “have to” (Kurzantworten mit dem Verb „müssen“)Word order (Wortstellung) of adverb of frequency (Häufigkeitsadverbien) in simple present (einfache Gegenwart)PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (VERLAUFSFORM der GEGENWART)Negative statements (verneinte Aussagesätze) in present progressiveQuestions in present progressive (Fragen)Short answers (Kurzantworten)SIMPLE PRESENT and PRESENT PROGRESSIVE in contrastSIMPLE PAST (EINFACHE VERGANGENHEIT)Simple past of the verb ”(to) be” (einfache Vergangenheit des Verbs „sein“)Positive statements (bejahte Aussagesätze) in simple past Irregular verbs (unregelmäßige Tuwörter) Negative statements (verneinte Aussagesätze) Questions and short answers (Fragen und Kurzantworten)SIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PAST in contrastGOING TO-FUTURE (ZUKUNFT / FUTUR mit GOING TO)Positive statements (bejahte Aussagesätze)Negative statements (verneinte Aussagesätze)Questions and short answers (Fragen und Kurzantworten) in going to-futurePRESENT PROGRESSIVE and GOING TO-FUTURE in contrast(Verlaufsform der Gegenwart going to-Futur im Vergleich)DIFFERENT TENSES (ÜBERSICHT DER GRAMMATISCHEN ZEITEN)Solutions (Lösungen)Autor: Doris QuijadaA book from the 5th class for pupils, parents and teachers. G8(Suitable for Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen)Personal pronouns subject forms (personal pronouns (pronouns) (subject forms))Numbers (figures)Colours (colors)My body (my body)School subjects (school subjects)Days of the week (weekdays)The day: morning, afternoon, evening, night, weekend (the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night, weekend)The day with the prepositions "in" "on" "at"Times of day with "in" "on" "at"Months (months)Dates (Date)Time (time)Opposites (opposites)Plural of nouns (majority of nouns (these denote persons, things, concepts))"Be" "(to) be" as a verb ("to be" as a verb (Tuwort))Questions with forms of "(to) be" (issues with forms of the verb "to be")"Have got" as a verb ("have, possess" as a verb (Tuwort))Questions with "have got / has got" (questions with the verb "have, possess")Short answers with "have got / has got" (short answers with "have, possess")"Have to" as a verb ("must") as a verb (Tuwort))Questions with "have to" (questions with the verb (Tuwort) "must")Short answers with "have to" (short answers with the verb "must")"Can", "can"Questions with "can" questions with the verb "can""Can", "may""May", "may"Imperatives (commands, prompts)Possessive determiners (Possessivbegleiter, possessive companion)Possessive form (s-genitive / Case 2)Personal pronouns: object forms (personal pronouns: object shapes)Handsome and any ("some" "something" "a few" or "none")Much ("lot") and many "many"Word order in subordinate clauses (word order in subordinate clauses)Countries in Europe (European countries)Plural words (plural words) singular words (Einzahlwörter)Verbs with prepositions(Verbs (Tuwörter) with prepositions (prepositions)Special features in the German or EnglishTenses (GRAMMATICAL TIMES)Simple Present (simple present)Negative statements (denied declarative sentences) in Simple PresentYes / no questions (ruling) in Simple PresentQuestions with question words (Questions with question words)Short answers (short answers)("Be" simple presence of the verb) Simple Present of the verb (to) be "Questions with forms of "(to) be" (issues with forms of "to be")"(To) have got" as a verb ("have, possess" as a verb (Tuwort))Questions with "have got / has got" (questions with the verb "have, possess")Short answers with "have got / has got" (short answers with "have, possess")Simple Present of the verb (to) have to "(simple present of the verb" must ")Questions with "(to) have to" (questions with the verb (Tuwort) "must")Short answers with "have to" (short answers with the verb "must")Word order (word order) of adverb of frequency (of frequency) in present simple (simple present)Present Progressive (progressive form of the present)Negative statements (denied declarative sentences) in present progressiveQuestions in the Present Progressive (questions)Short answers (short answers)Simple Present and Present Progressive in contrastSimple Past (past simple)("Be" simple past of the verb) Simple past of the verb (to) be "Positive statements (affirmative declarative sentences) in Simple Past Irregular verbs (irregular Tuwörter) Negative statements (denied declarative sentences) Questions and answers short (short questions and answers)Simple Present and Simple Past in contrastGoing to-future (future / future tense with GOING TO)Positive statements (affirmative declarative sentences)Negative statements (denied declarative sentences)Questions and answers short (short questions and answers) in going to-futurePresent Progressive and going to-future in contrast(Onset form of the presence of going to-future tense in comparison)DIFFERENT tenses (OVERVIEW grammatical TIMES)Solutions (solutions)Author: Doris QuijadaUpdate Emailkontakt